28 December 2006

yuletide greetings

just want to greet everyone a blessed Christmas and a hopeful new year

here is the pic of my baby with the santa costume on. cute huh????

got the jab

it's been a while since i last posted, the holiday rush is still on and the rain continued to pour on this western side of the island.

i woke up early today and bathe alonso hurriedly. we brought him to the poly for his immunization and 3rd month assessment. not so much for a long queue, he was seen by the nurse after a few minutes of guessing the ages of the babies waiting outside the room. alonso is now 6.8 kg and is above average in weight for his age (>75% percentile) and the height and head circumference were all within normal.

then we went to the other room for the doctor's check-up which is about less than 5 minutes, consisting of a short interview of baby's head control and eye movements, physical exam of the doctor checking his eye movements towards a red fluffy thingie, corneal reflexes, heart, lungs, abdominal exams and a short peek in his nappies. whew! that was quick.

we then went back to the nurse to give him the jab and the appointment. i propped him in a chair, held his arms and legs to expose his right thigh. then the nurse gave the jab which consisted of 5 vaccines - DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus), IPV (inactivated polio vaccine, usu given orally) and HIB (H influenzae vaccine) - and he only gave out a short wail, not even a cry. mommy was so proud for my baby boy and gave the nurse so much appreciation for such a tender injection. daddy even commented how braver baby is than him hehehe.

after ten minutes and no complication on the jab site, off we went home.

now, after 10 hours or so, im relieved that his fever didn't push through as he was developing one earlier on. wet towels and mommy's hugs and care really helped. baby is now asleep in my arms after gurgling a bottle's milk and stomach is contented.

22 December 2006

basic eSENSES

as my baby Alonso is turning 3 months old this Saturday, i noticed that he is becoming more attuned with his 5 senses. here is a list of some of his favorites or things that enhances his senses:


  • he loves looking at our wall clock in the bedroom. it fascinates him to watch the red second hand moves

  • the aircon unit in the living area catches his attention everytime. maybe wondering what is inside the box?

  • he loves chandeliers even w/o the bulbs turned on. the shapes fascinates him.

  • before he sleeps, he talks to the yellow curtain in the bedroom and seems to enjoy the shadow made by it too

  • he enjoys looking at himself in the mirror or in the digicam

  • mirrors - his eyes widened with amazement

  • mommy and daddy's faces - always bring a smile to his face


  • not yet well developed but he loves snuggling to mommy even when i'm all filthy and smelly (hehe, baby knows best)

  • milk perhaps?


  • stops crying when he hears the juggle of the milk in the bottle

  • he will mimic my munching or will make smacking sounds when he hears me eating or the sound of the plates and utensils

  • somehow, the ringing tones pacify him

  • he prefers high pitched voice than the low one

  • he loves mommy's singing and story telling


  • milk is definitely his cup of tea, breastmilk or formula milk, it doesn't matter

  • he loves nibbling - his fingers, whole hand, his arm, my finger, my shirt, Tigger's ear

  • daddy is trying to put food into his mouth, he will open his mouth and try to put out his tongue (sorry baby, too early for weaning yet)


  • he can grasp the rattle or his clothing or hold my arm

  • can hold two hands together

  • i love it when he touches my finger

  • he will put both his hands on the bottle when feeding (smart huh?)

well, so far, so good. my baby's developmental milestones are here to progress...


your head leaning over my shoulder
your soft cheeks almost kissing my bossom
your tiny hands encircling my arms

my arms supporting your bottom
my swaying movements slowly rocking you
my soothing voice comforting you

then our heartbeats slowly turned into one...

21 December 2006

little santa

its only 3 more days before Christmas and we don't have any idea how to celebrate it this year. seems different since we have a baby to celebrate it with now.

the other night, vin finally managed to buy an outfit for alonso. here it is...a cute santa overalls. the cap is white though, but it's alright, i love the rich red color of the cloth.

im sure baby will look just great with this on....

19 December 2006

rain rain go away come again another day

it's been raining for 3 days now and i'm all stucked inside the house (as if i have somewhere else to go to). i've been dreading to go out malling or eating outside but then i love rains and most of the time, i want to spend time inside the house.

i thought about the things that i love doing during rainy days...

1. reading a good book in bed
2. listening to the sound of the rain trickling on the window pane
3. sipping a hot chocolate with cookies to munch
4. watching a romantic movie all over again
5. snuggling beside my ex-bf, now hubby
6. sleeping with comforter and a fluffy pillow to hug with
7. making puzzles on the bed with hubby
8. eating ginataang halo-halo made by mama
9. burning the lines with my bestest girl friend
10. going down memory lane...

wait i forgot...blogging gahd hehehe


the breathing is regular

as if with a pace

ocular muscles twitching

hands and toes seem to quiver

dreamy eyes awaken

saying a short sigh

of comfort and warmth

rain continued to trickle outside

he continued to close his eyes

pose an angelic smile

back to his own dreams

of which only he knows

welcome to my world

19th December 2006

i wanted to update my previous blog but then it was all about weddings and now i just wanted to write just about anything under the sun...about my life as a doctor, as a wife and as a mother. or i just want to rant about just everything. so here goes...

welcome to my blog!